While we are all disappointed and concerned about the outcome of yesterday’s national elections, I am honored that I will have the privilege to serve you for four more years on the Arlington County Board. Thank you for your support.
I am especially thankful to everyone who worked hard to make this victory happen. First, I must again thank everyone who contributed time, money, and spirit to my primary campaign in the spring. Without you, this general election would not have been possible. A big shout out goes to my manager, Scott Pedowitz, and to key volunteers like Brendan Adams and Fran Zorn. Thank you to the volunteers who hosted events, wrote testimonials for my website, and gave support in large ways and small.
Thank you to everyone who joined our Democratic joint campaign effort this fall. It has been an honor to share the ballot with my fellow candidates: Hillary Clinton, Tim Kaine, Don Beyer, Nancy Van Doren, and Tannia Talento.
Finally, I want to thank Audrey Clement for running in this election. It is not easy to run and I know that Audrey is passionate about wanting to improve our community. While she and I don’t always agree on how, we all benefit from active campaigns that bring a range of ideas to the table. Debate and civil disagreement help us to improve our own thinking. Good debate is one of the ways we become stronger together.
I look forward to working with everyone — those who voted for me and those who didn’t — to realize the great potential of this wonderful Arlington community. As we move forward, let’s ask ourselves every day what we can do to make Arlington, and our country, better for all of us. Please stay in touch and, again, thank you.